Thursday, September 25, 2008

Common Sense Truths

". . . governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends [of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness], it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness."
- The Declaration of Independence

We are not divided like some want you to think. The media tends to paint a picture of Red America versus Blue America. Actually, about 85% of our country is red-white-and-blue like our forefathers. The outspoken fringe on the left accounts for only 15%. Divisions of thought in our country are not a real problem at all. We were founded on the principle of freedom, that every voice matters. The real problem is the elite media-network news, cable news, newspapers, gossip magazines-who are consistently biased and skewed to the left. Every day they stray farther and farther from the true thoughts and beliefs of the majority of their countrymen. Even worse, they claim to represent the views of the majority and are quick to silence any opposition with unfounded malarchy. Unfortunately, these outlets hold a tremendous amount of influence over average, hard-working Americans who accept it as hard news.

According to "American Solutions", a website sponsored by former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich:
73% of us support drilling for oil off America's coasts
79% of us believe that it's impossible to negotiate with terrorist groups like al Qaeda
87% of us support making English the official language of the U.S.
94% would like a moment of silence for kids to be able to pray in public schools
93% of us see that al Qaeda poses a major threat to our country
80% of us think that the Social Security system is broken, and
65% of us support building more nuclear power plants to cut our carbon emissions

Let's put aside partisanship and bring any and all common sense ideas to the table. The Founders themselves knew that government could become destructive, and gave us the right to alter or abolish it. We don't have to be destructive, but we can be decisive, and work together using every ounce of common sense we possess to start making government work for the people again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting. I always had kind of a feeling that most people thought the way I do about certain political things, but you couldn't have guessed that standing in line at the grochery store watching Sarah Palin get smeared from left to left. You would never guess such a large majority of people hold the same views as she does. Conservative views just make the most sense. If only our conservative representatives could get their act together up there in D.C.