Saturday, October 18, 2008

Oh, really?

Obama, you feel like you score big time every time you announce to the world that your plan "would actually cut taxes for 95% of Americans." OK, couple of problems there, Obama. I don't know what your definition of "cut taxes" is, but 38% of American taxpayers don't pay federal income taxes in the first place because they don't make enough, leaving you to cut their taxes from 0 dollars to a whopping 0 dollars. Also, you voted to let the Bush tax cuts expire on the rest of us in the middle class, meaning that under your plan, all of our taxes would go up. So really, I'm pretty sure you would be RAISING taxes on 100% of Americans. Don't know who your math genius is on your campaign, but maybe you should check your numbers before trying to pull a fast one of us.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Fundamental Differences

In order to make a clear choice this election, each individual must understand the principles that each party operates under.

Here are some tenents that the Republican Party is currently upholding:

1. The government should be smaller, because without the pressure that free market businesses have of being accountable, government tends to be very wasteful and many times fraudulent. Consider this, from Gingrich's book, Real Change: "One [pork-barrel] project, $1 million for the "Center for Instrumental Critical Infrastructure" in [Congressman John] Murtha's district, was challenged by Republican congressman Jeff Flake of Arizona when his staff could not verify the center's existence. Democratic congressman Pete Visclosky of Indiana, who chairs the spending subcommitte responsible for the project, admitted he didn't know where it existed. Despite this, Flake's challenge failed by a vote of 326-98." A Center most likely did not even exist, and STILL Congress voted against investigating the fraud of our money.
2. All life is worthy of protection, regardless at what stage of life it is. Republicans have science on their side on this one, for the moment that the egg and sperm meet, you have 46 chromosomes, the number of a full-grown adult. The heart is beating at 21 days. To deny this is to pick and choose your science.
3. Capitalism is generally the best way to go. Where capitalism can fix it, the government shouldn't impose. Think of pretty much anything in your daily life and think of how your life would be different if government took over the capitalistic ventures. No more Wal-Mart or Target. Now you must shop only at K-Mart, with higher prices, less choices, and shoddy brands.
4. There are three branches of government. We already have a Legislative branch. We don't need judges to legislate for us.
5. We're willing to listen to your viewpoint, if not because we want to, but because it is forced upon us around every corner.

Here are some things that Democrats continue espousing in order to win:

1. They love big government, because they like being in control of your money and feeling as if they are the all-knowing and all-giving gods in Washington. Without them, we would have nothing. They enjoy the power. While Republicans have fought rightly for term limits on sitting U.S. Senators and Congressmen, Democrats have adamently fought them. You can also point to their unsatiated appetite for big government programs, from government run health care to Social Security to NASA. They were not always like this, but they have found that in order to garner the votes they once had, they must play up the "victimization" of Americans and make them depend on the government for their well-being. Hence you now know why a large majority of lower-class people vote Democrat, even though their policies are oftentimes not better.
2. All life is not worthy of protection. Obama said recently that the question of when life begins is "above his pay grade". Well, it's not above most of the American people's pay grade. To deny unquestionable science is clearly not common sense and must mean that the party is being held at the mercy of pro-abortion groups like NARAL and the National Organization for Women and Planned Parenthood.
3. Capitalism can only be trusted for some things. What Americans really want and need is government run health care, so costs will go up even higher and the lines will make people die while waiting. No joke. Go check out Canada, where it can take 6 months to get a CAT scan even when you're deathly ill.
4. There are three branches of government. We don't care what their purposes are. We need them to work for the benefit of our own ideas, regardless of the will of the people.
5. Opposition must be silenced. Wait, that's not very democratic. Note the oppostion to the Broadcasters' Freedom Act, a bill to oppose reinstating the "Fairness Doctrine." "The so-called “Fairness Doctrine” -- initiated in the 1930s under Franklin Roosevelt -- enabled the Federal Communications Commission to regulate the content of radio and later television programming. In its heyday, it proved effective in keeping nearly all conservative opinion off the air," writes Erika Anderson of Human Events. Pelosi refuses to even allow the BFA to be brought up for a vote, and absolutely NO Democrats have signed the petition. Democrats are only for free speech when it involves throwing dung on the Virgin Mary and calling it art, or when they want teachers to have the ultimate authority of teaching your children smut and pseudo-science. A Democrat president will almost certainly reinstate the Fairness Doctrine, therefore effectively silencing all conservative voices on radio and television. How's that for a Democracy?

Digging for the Truth

We have a problem here in America, and everyone knows it. The problem is the dishonest media and a Democratic candidate who can say whatever he wants when he knows that none of the major news networks will call him on it. How can we as a country elect an honest leader in the face of such corruption? Luckily, we have information technology on our side. Americans must vote, but they do the country a disservice if they vote with no outside research. You wouldn't buy a new car based solely on what the saleman tells you would you? Of course not, he benefits from the sale. You wouldn't buy a house based solely on what the previous owners claim, would you? No. That's why, in the real world, we look at many different sources before we make a major decision. We go on websites, talk to others who may have different opinions and insights, read all the comments, both good and bad, about a product before buying it. It should be the same way with your vote for President. There is no blame with the average folks. The blame lies with a media who for years has been center of left and going more left all the time. They have lost all objectivity and will do absolutely anything to get the Democratic candidate elected. Every four years it's the same game for them. It's not just Republicans who should be angry about this. Democrats should be furious as well, becaue the media has even stopped representing them. It is now morphing into an outlet for the views of the far left. The media cheats us all when it only gives us one side of the story.

So do your research. Look up the candidates' records, don't listen to their rhetoric.

Below are some sites to get you started in your quest for the other side of the story.